Promote city repair initiatives and make professional repairers more visible
If we want to ensure that citizens choose repair, we need to make repair visible in the city.
Check our communication material and city repair campaigns below!

The Sharepair campaign
The Sharepair partners worked together with Bigtrees and created a social media campaign to:
- make citizens/consumers aware that a defect in a product does not necessarily mean throwing it away.
- stimulate the repair reflex: giving people the desire/motivation to repair their defective device themselves or have it repaired via Repair cafés or professional repairers.
- emphasise that everyone repairing a device or having devices repaired via Repair cafés or professional repairers is a 'Repair Hero'.
What did we create?
1/ Window stickers
- to put your local repair heroes in the spotlight
2/ Device stickers
- to emphasise that a broken device was repaired.
3/ Social media posts:
- to create awareness about e-waste
- to guide citizens towards our digital support tools
- to convince citizens that repair is a good solution
The stickers are available in English, Dutch and French. We also made sure the stickers and posts can be personalized, giving cities the opportunity to put local repair in the spotlight.

5/ A flyer to promote repair in the city
On the flyer citizens can find information about:
- When and where the next repair event will take place;
- How to book a spot for the next local Repair Cafe;
- Easy tips about self repair;
- Links to the digital Sharepair tools;
The flyer can be used to promote a local Repair Café or repair event in the city

Good news for Belgian cities!
Untill the end of May 2023, Testaankoop-Testachats will distribute the repair flyers in different Belgian cities.
Belgian cities that want to promote local Repair Cafés or events can contact the organization.
How to make professionals visible in the city?
Professional repairers are an essential part of repair in the city. Not only do they fix broken items, they also create less waste and CO2.
But professionals don't have it easy: there are many costs and manufacturers are make repairing complicated. We gathered different ways a city can make professionals more visible and ensure that citizens find their way towards the repairers.
- Create a local repair map and add all professional repairers in the city;
- Use our ‘repair hero’ window sticker to make repairers visible for citizens;
- Organize a circular walk through the city with a focus on repair
- Organize a workshop for local repairers (e.g., 'how to communicate the importance of repair to customers'). It can also be an interesting networking event or inspiration day for local repairers in your city or community.
- Organize a survey for repairers. This way you create involvement as a city council and get a better understanding of what their needs are.
- Set a good example as a purchaser of ICT, professional clothing, office materials and other purchases for the city or municipality. Include repairability and repair service as criteria in public tenders. Have broken equipment repaired instead of replaced. If employees use their own IT equipment for work, encourage them to have broken equipment repaired, for example by offering them a €50 compensation for a diagnosis at a local repair shop.